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About TENRYO-JUTSU  TJ 天療術  

TJ (Tenryo-jutsu) is Remote healing by accessing higher dimensions (approximately 30),T identifying the root cause of the issue, and approaches them.

Quantum physics healing is a revolutionary treatment method that enables the treatment of previously untreatable autonomic nervous disorders such as paralysis, hearing impairment, and other intractable diseases by rewriting the subconscious using quantum mechanics (energy at an atomic level or smaller). 


Yasuharu Sato, the founder of this quantum mechanic healing, has recently gained attention as a topic of discussion in the industry.

Quantum healing does not treat the symptoms (manifest consciousness) complained of by patients, but performs various tests on the invisible subconscious shown in the diagram below to instantly detect abnormalities in thought, mental damage, and skeletal abnormalities. 


By performing quantum healing, not only can the patient's suffering symptoms be relieved, but also the influence from the background (connection with family, karma from the past, etc.) that causes the symptoms can be reduced.





SEITAI Treatment


Initial session 60mins

(Inc, consultation)



 30mins / $60

 45mins / $90

 60minis / $110


about TENRYOJUTSU click to here

In the clinic  

30mins    $50~

45mins    $100~

60mins    $120~

Zoom, Messenger, 

Whatsapp or any video call


30mins    $30~

45mins    $50~

60mins    $70~

 Remedial Oil massage

(only in Haymarket)

(Inc, consultation)

30mins    $60

45mins    $90

 60mins    $110

 90mins    $150


Booking only 

        Rebate available 



Location 1 

Welcome both walk in and Appointments






alpha remedial massage clinic


793 George street, Haymarket  

Tuesday ~ Thursday & Saturday, Sunday

10:00 ~ 20:00

Location 2

Booking only

79A Grandview street Pymble  (above café)

 8:00 ~ 20:00

Only Fridays

​​last appointment: 18:30


Click here ⬆️⬆️

 "How to get Pymble clinic"


 0402 922 505

  SMS to make an appointment

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